1) For many homeschool kids, chess can be an interesting hobby. This latest video by Numberphile explains nicely the Elo rating system for chess (and other games).
2) This Week in Math Ed: January 4, 2019
Do check out http://blog.mathed.net/2019/01/this-week-in-math-ed-january-4-2019.html for your latest math updates on the US education system. Blogger Raymond Johnson is a Math Content Specialist and PhD in Math Education.
3) The Math blog Math Tango has a variety of interesting links. I was particularly interested in the interview with popular mathematician/writer/lecturer Eugenia Cheng: https://anthonybonato.com/2018/07/25/interview-with-a-mathematician-eugenia-cheng-3/
4) Everyone loves a riddle, especially one that is tricky but only involves elementary mathematics! This horse riddle can theoretically be solved by a first grader, but yet has stumped many adults! Check out the horse riddle here: https://mathtuition88.com/2018/02/19/tricky-riddle-involving-a-horse/
The image is included here for convenience:
5) Singapore Math is very famous among the homeschool community. However, what exactly is Singapore Math? Check out this comprehensive article on Singapore Math, including book recommendations.
6) Denise Gaskins, the founder of Playful Math Education Carnival, has posted a quote on "Math is Like a Nature Walk". Being a nature lover and a math lover, I totally agree with the quote. Do check it out!
7) I also enjoyed reading this blog post by Jessica Roberts on the curriculum (including Math) she uses to homeschool her 5 (if I counted correctly) kids! (Update: She actually has 7 kids!)
8) Recently, my new hobby is keeping fish. Being a Math lover, I was naturally curious if fish can count? Check out the surprising answer here. (To let the cat out of the bag, scientists found that fish can count up to four - but no higher. I believe this may be an understatement, some fish are quite intelligent indeed.)
9) I would also like to recommend Joseph Nebus' blog, NebusResearch. His blog features mathematical cartoons, and also explains mathematics to laypeople in a highly interesting and accessible manner. Do check out his A to Z series, they are very well written.
10) The last topic is on Machine Learning (possibly for more advanced high school students). Machine Learning is the latest hype and it has produced a lot of excellent results in the realm of artificial intelligence. It is good for students to just get to know a bit of it, and the general idea of what Machine Learning is all about. Hopefully it will pique their interest!